Altar June 2024

With a Grateful Heart (a final note) …June 23, 2024

已發佈 : Jun-20-2024

As I sit to write my final message to you as your pastor there is a slight sense of nostalgia, a nostalgia because for the past six years you have become my family, and this beautiful and holy place has become my home and now we must part ways. However, our parting of ways must not be overshadowed with feelings of sadness or gloom. We are a family and will always remain as such. We are united by the strongest and most powerful bond. Our Lord is who unites us! Therefore, even though goodbyes may be difficult we must turn these emotions into joy. Let’s be joyful because Christ calls us to joyfully trust in His providence and in His plan for our lives. He always has a plan that is filled with blessings beyond what any one of us can even imagine.

For all the unimaginable blessings that He has bestowed upon me as a priest and upon you as his faithful people let us rejoice with immense gratitude. Everything we are and all that we have is because of the Lord’s mercy and generosity.  So, let us take these steps of farewell and new beginnings filled with gratitude, full trust and praising God!

I leave you with this prayer of gratitude as I assure each of you of my prayers and blessings and I humbly ask that you pray a Hail Mary for me.

Rejoicing in Christ,

Fr. James Cherickal  

Thanks be to God!

Heavenly Father,

Thank you for every blessing that you have so generously given us.

Thank you for choosing us to be your faithful servants.

We desire to give you our best

and we are committed to serving you with excellence.

We pray that all we do bring you honour and glory.

As we continue to grow and mature in our faith,

we are excited to see the new opportunities and paths

that you will bless us with.

We pray that we never shy away or feel fear

in taking the next steps needed to serve you and your people.

Fill our heart with the sincere desire to hear you say:

“Well done, good and trustworthy servant, you have been trustworthy in a few

things, I will put you in charge of many things, enter into the joy of your master.”
