Altar side view from the left

The Parable of the Wedding Garment

已發佈 : Oct-11-2023

Altar with stain glass background

Understanding this parable requires us to understand the symbolism of the wedding garment.  This garment is a symbol of one who is clothed in Christ and, specifically, one who is therefore filled with charity.  There is a very interesting lesson to learn from this passage.

First, the fact that this man was at the wedding feast means he responded to the invitation.  This is an indication of faith.  Therefore, this man does symbolize one who has faith.  Second, the lack of a wedding garment means that he is one who has faith and believes all that God says, but has not allowed that faith to permeate his heart and soul to the point of producing true conversion and, therefore, true charity.  It is the lack of charity in the young man that condemns him.

The interesting point is that it is possible for us to have faith, but to lack charity.  Faith is believing what God reveals to us.  But even the demons believe!  Charity requires we embrace that truth interiorly and let it transform our lives.  This is an important point to understand because sometimes we can struggle with this same situation.  At times we can find we believe on the level of faith, but are not living it.  Both are required for a life of authentic holiness.

Reflect, today, upon both your faith in all that God has spoken, and the charity that this hopefully produces in your life.  Being a Christian means you let your faith sink from your head down to your heart and will.


Lord of all love,

may I have deep faith in You and in all that You have spoken.  May that faith sink into my heart producing love of You and others.

Jesus, I trust in You