SFX Holy Week Altar 2024

Palm Sunday of the Lord’s Passion March 24, 2024

已發佈 : Mar-22-2024

Palm Sunday

Holy Thursday Pope Benedict XVI Teaching on the Priesthood

“The faithful expect only one thing from priests:

that they be specialists in promoting the

 encounter between man and God.

The Priest is not asked to be an expert in

economics, construction, or politics.

He is expected to be an expert in the spiritual life.

Meeting with the Clergy (Warsaw Poland 2006)

REFLECTION: This day could be thought of as a day of contradiction. The Mass begins with the reading of Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem and His joyous reception by the crowds who strewed palm branches before Him, crying out, “Hosanna to the Son of David; blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord; hosanna in the highest.” Today, this inspiring scene is commemorated by processions of the faithful carrying palm branches into their churches. The contradiction, however, is experienced as the full narrative of the Passion of Christ is read, culminating with Jesus’ death on the Cross.

But is it a contradiction? Is His glorious entrance into Jerusalem at the beginning of the week in any way opposed to His crucifixion? Certainly not. From a worldly perspective, for someone who lacks the ability to penetrate this mystery with the eyes of faith, the week ends in tragedy. But from the perspective of the Eternal Father, the welcome Jesus receives as He enters Jerusalem is the welcome given to the Savior of the World. His Cross would become the culmination of that act of salvation. For that reason, His entrance into that holy city was rightly celebrated with great joy, even though the people did not yet understand that the throne their new King would mount was the Cross.    Source: www.mycatholic.life