New Altar May 2023

Father’s Day Prayer & A Note from Our Pastor June 18, 2023

已發佈 : Jun-14-2023

Father’s Day Prayer

God our Father,

You govern and protect your people and shepherd them with a father’s love.

You place a father in a family as a sign

of your love, care and constant protection.

May fathers everywhere be faithful to the example shown in the scriptures:

Steadfast in love, forgiving transgressions, sustaining the family and caring for those in need.

Give your wisdom to fathers that

they may encourage and guide

 their children. Keep them healthy so

that they may support the family.

Guide every father with the

 Spirit of your love that they may

 grow in holiness and draw their

family ever closer to you.


In a world often consumed by busyness and distractions, it is essential to pause and reflect on the blessings we receive from God. “Give thanks to the Lord for he is good, his love endures forever” (Psalm107:1) says the psalmist. By testifying to God’s mercy and blessings, we acknowledge His presence in our lives and inspire others to seek His grace. In an earlier Psalm 103:2-5 we read: "Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits, who forgives all your iniquity, who heals all your diseases, who redeems your life from the pit, who crowns you with steadfast love and mercy, who satisfies you with good so that your youth is renewed like the eagle's."

There are many who have received great miracles in their living circumstances. To a doubtful heart, there can be many reasons to question the validity of the ‘miracle’ in those events. Only a person/family who have been through the oars of vulnerability, can see the power of God and testify it. This week, I would like to welcome two of our parishioners to testify their experience.

Testimony By: Mr. Agnello Mascarenhas

I’ll start my testimony by sharing a little bit about myself. Sometime ago I developed certain allergies which cause me to suffer constant wheezing and shortness of breath.

Last June, on an Eastern European Pilgrimage, we visited Medjugorje which is a small village in Bosnia-Herzegovina. Our Lady is said to have appeared there daily since June 24, 1981. The plan was to climb Mount Podbrdo (Hill of Apparitions) where Our Lady first appeared. Initially I tried walking up the hill, however, after a few steps I was out of breath. Therefore, I decided to stay back. My wife, along with the other pilgrims in our group, went all the way up to the place of the apparitions. My wife, thinking of my suffering and frustration placed her hand on the cross that is found on the hill and then placed that hand on my chest.  That night, we noticed that my wheezing had miraculously stopped, and I was fine for the remainder of the pilgrimage.  I would like to say that I was never again afflicted with my allergies, but the truth is, that they do come and go occasionally. However, I am very grateful that they dissipated during the entire trip and it is a memory I will always cherish. I will always remain grateful to Our Lady and will continue to pray for a full recovery but accepting God’s will.

Testimony By: Mr. Frederick D’Mello

In 2022, I received an unfavourable biopsy result in which I was diagnosed with Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma B Cell Cancer. Although the news was traumatic, my family and I kept our faith and trusted in the Lord’s miraculous healing. I underwent a surgery for a growth in my small intestine followed by Chemotherapy. After the treatment was completed, a PET scan & bloodwork was done. The results brought me very good news, it was exactly the news that I had been praying for because they showed that I am now in remission! I thank the Lord Jesus for this mighty healing! My heart is filled with gratitude towards my family, friends and pastors who offered constant prayers and support during this difficult time. A very special thank you to our Blessed Mother for her constant blessings.