Altar with Angels April 2024

An Excerpt from Archbishop Francis Leo May 5, 2024

已發佈 : May-01-2024

Grotto night image

Message on the Month of the Blessed Mother

Our world is filled with competing worldviews and ideologies that can lead to feelings of being overwhelmed and discouraged. While this reaction is understandable, it need not be our only recourse.  We root ourselves, our very existence and daily living, in Christ Jesus, and we hold true that in the midst of turmoil and upheaval - Jesus is the answer; consequently, seeking the Blessed Mother’s intercession is the key to achieving this answer.  When faced with uncertainty and perplexing events in her own life, Myriam of Nazareth did not “wonder” but “pondered,” not fully understanding, yet always remaining faithful (Lk 2:19). Like Mary we are called to “ponder,” the uncertainties and perplexities, the mysteries and the callings of this life in a way that leads to a deepening faith and trust in God. It was Mary’s unwavering faith, trust, humility and charity that led to her “fiat,” (Lk 1:38); and it was her “fiat” that would eventually lead her to seek to not only “magnify” the Lord with her entire being, but to “rejoice” in God her Saviour as well (Lk 1:46-47).

Dear Brothers and Sisters, during the entirety of this blessed month, I encourage you to take the time to re-read and meditate upon this Marian reflection whether alone or with others in community asking ourselves what kind of relationship we have with Mother Mary and what are the next steps we are prompted to take on this journey. Finally, I humbly urge all the faithful in the Archdiocese of Toronto, our families and parishes, schools and other faith, religious and ecclesial communities and institutions, to get to know Our Lady in a deeper, personal way; to approach her with filial devotion, speaking with her daily with all our hearts; to experience her motherly closeness as we share everything with her; and to emulate her virtuous life of faith, so that in spending time pondering with complete faith and trust the great things that the Lord accomplishes in our lives and throughout the archdiocese, we may truly, with her, magnify Him each day joyfully.

Blessings upon you in Jesus with Mary!

Sincerely Yours in Jesus with Mary,

Most Rev. Francis Leo

Metropolitan Archbishop of Toronto