Archbishop Francis Leo May 3, 2023

A Note from our Pastor May 3, 2023

已發佈 : May-03-2023

Archbishop Francis Leo May 3, 2023

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

This past week we were blessed with two very important milestone events on the same day! In the morning of Wednesday May 3, 2023, the second phase of our Sanctuary Renovation concluded with the dedication of our new altar. We were able to accomplish this goal thanks to all our carpentry teams under the leadership of Mr. Marco Escobar.

The second event took place that evening. Our parish, on behalf of the Wester Pastoral Region, hosted the Mass of Welcome for our new Archbishop, His Grace, Francis Leo with His Excellency Ivan Camilleri.

It was truly a heavenly experience to have both ceremonies celebrated with hundreds of God’s faithful people present. 

Thanks to all our dedicated staff and volunteers who helped ensure that all ran seamlessly. Thank you for your service to the Lord.

May I conclude this message praising God with the Psalmist:


Praise God in his holy sanctuary;

give praise in the mighty dome of heaven.

Give praise for his mighty deeds,

praise him for his great majesty.

Give praise with blasts upon the horn,

praise him with harp and lyre.

Give praise with tambourines and dance,

praise him with strings and pipes.

Give praise with crashing cymbals,

praise him with sounding cymbals.

Let everything that has breath

give praise to the LORD!


Psalm 150:1-6

May the Lord continue to shower us with his blessings,

Fr. James Cherickal