A Note from our Pastor March 12, 2023

已发布 : Mar-08-2023

My dear brothers and sisters,

I am deeply moved by the excitement and enthusiasm expressed by our parishioners regarding our Altar and Sanctuary renovation. Almost a hundred people turned up for the moving and clearing of the sanctuary and setting up the new chapel in the hall. Thank you for your support, prayers, and spirit of joy.

As we gather this weekend at the St. Francis Xavier School cafeteria, this might bring some nostalgic memories to the founding members. Twenty-five years back, it is in this cafeteria and in these hallways that you started this journey of faith with the late Msgr. Terence F. D’Souza. Today, as we go through this most important phase of our sanctuary renovation, the Lord has brought us back to where we started. We remember the past and the hard work of the pioneers of this church, with gratitude.

I am grateful to Mr. Dan Compagnon, principal of St. Francis Xavier School; Betty-Anne Pickett, school chaplain; and Laura Iaboni of the DPCDSB Permit Department, for allowing us to use this magnificent facility for our church needs. We appreciate the great help of the SFX school custodians, George, Helena, and Frank. We also acknowledge the many people who have provided so much thoughtful leadership in making this happen. Our parish secretary, Joanita Miranda; the Sacristans led by Christina Guimba; Ushers led by Joseph Remedios and Gizelle Cordeiro; Altar servers led by Nicola Pereira and Angelica Palattao; EMOHC’s led by Vickie Velasco and Jestin Nazren; and all Choir groups and their leads, deserve special appreciation for organizing and accommodating this special celebration at the school in the coming weekends. I am also grateful to Ernesto Cordeiro for providing us with his personal sound equipment for the Holy Eucharistic celebration.

As announced last weekend, we ask everyone for your prayers and financial support in this most memorable phase of our parish history. One Hail Mary a day for your pastor’s intention is highly appreciated. I also look forward to seeing all parishioners and visitors of our church come forward with your pledge for this “Tile Project”. A pledge form is available from the ushers as well as from the parish office. Please support generously.

In Christ,

Fr. James Cherickal