Altar side view from the left

A NOTE FROM OUR PASTOR December 3, 2023

已发布 : Nov-29-2023

Celebrating the Feast of St. Francis Xavier

My dear brothers and sisters,

As we gather in joy and gratitude on the Feast of our beloved patron saint, St. Francis Xavier, I am filled with a sense of awe and inspiration by the missionary zeal and heroic work that marked his life. St. Francis Xavier, often hailed as the "Apostle of the East," left an indelible mark on the Church through his unwavering commitment to spreading the Gospel, particularly in Goa and Japan.

In Goa, and Japan, St. Francis Xavier encountered a rich tapestry of cultures and traditions. Yet, it was his burning zeal for sharing the love of Christ that fueled his missionary endeavors. St. Francis Xavier's missionary work in Goa and Japan are the testament to the transformative power of faith and the boundless possibilities that arise when we allow ourselves to be vessels of God's love.

As we reflect on the life of St. Francis Xavier, let us draw inspiration from his passion for evangelization. In our own parish community, we are called to be missionaries in our daily lives, reaching out to those around us with love, kindness, and the message of hope found in Christ. As an immigrant and evolving community, let us embrace the diversity within our community, recognizing it as an opportunity to grow together in faith and understanding.

As we honor St. Francis Xavier's legacy, we also find ourselves on the brink of two significant events that shape the life of our parish: The ongoing renovation of our sanctuary and the upcoming Jubilee Year. A special note of thanks to our voluntary carpentry team starting with Marco Escobar, Derek Vegas, Joseph Bonnici, Rene Noriel, Andy Siccion, Tien Nguyen, Rady Ocsan, Philip Howland, Ranzil Sequeira, Lloyd Gomes and Deacon Anthony Wong.

A special note of thanks to His Eminence Cardinal Thomas Collins who approved this sanctuary renovation at the recommendation of our regional bishop Most Rev. Ivan Camilleri.

Looking Ahead to the Jubilee Year: A Time of Grace & Renewal

Though our parish was established on Friday December 19, 1986, this parish church was built and consecrated on December 4, 1999. Therefore, this coming year 2024 will be the silver Jubilee year of our parish church. This special time calls us to reflect on the past, embrace the present, and envision the future of our faith community. It is a season of grace and renewal, a time to deepen our relationship with God and with one another.

In preparation for the Jubilee Year, I invite each of you to consider how you can actively participate in the various events and activities that will be planned. Let us use this time to recommit ourselves to the mission of Christ in our parish and to foster a sense of belonging and support for every member of our community.

May this special season be a time of joy, reflection, and anticipation for the great things the Lord has in store for our parish community.

In Christ,

Fr. James Cherickal
