Virtual Event: Webinar link will be emailed before the event
Due to the inclement weather and technical difficulties on Thursday, February 23rd, this event has been rescheduled to Thursday, March 30th. All are welcome!
The main tenets of socialism, community of goods, must be utterly rejected, since it only injures those who it would seem meant to benefit, and is directly contrary to the natural rights of mankind; "once the demands of necessity and propriety have been met, the rest that one owns belongs to the poor, and “based on a purely economic conception of man, the system of neoliberalism considers profit and the law of the market as its only parameters, to the detriment of the dignity of and the respect due to individuals and peoples.
TICKETS: Virtual Event - Free - donations can be made online
CONTACT: Rachelle Ezechiels
PHONE: 416-979-2468 ext. 230