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Merry Christmas December 25, 2023
My Dear Brothers and sisters,
Throughout this Christmas season, mediated on the following words from Luke’s Gospel. They exemplify the true meaning and glory of Christmas. Remember that it is a season of true Christian Joy. Open...
The Story Behind the Pink Advent Candle
As the commercial world is already saturated with red and green, it’s easy to lose sight of the true colors of the season–the Advent season. This week the color pink represents joy. It turns out, the...
Second Sunday of Advent december 10, 2023
The light of the moon will be like that of the sun and the light of the sun will be seven times greater (like the light of seven days). On the day the Lord binds up the wounds of His...
A NOTE FROM OUR PASTOR December 3, 2023
My dear brothers and sisters,
As we gather in joy and gratitude on the Feast of our beloved patron saint, St. Francis Xavier, I am filled with a sense of awe and inspiration by the missionary zeal and heroic work...
Christ is King! November 26, 2023
As King, Jesus desires to lead every aspect of our lives and lead us in all things. He desires to become the absolute ruler and monarch of our souls. He wants us to come to Him for everything and to...
Archdiocesan Consultation With the Faithful
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Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
May Jesus and Mary be in your soul.
It has been a true blessing and joy to spend time with so many Catholics throughout the...
A Note from our Pastor November 5, 2023
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
As we enter the month of November, our hearts turn to the sacred and solemn duty of remembering all the faithful departed. In this holy season, we reflect upon the beauty of eternal life...
Which Commandment in the Law is the Greatest?
“You shall love the Lord, your God, with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the greatest and the first commandment. The second is like it: You shall love your...
The Parable of the Wedding Garment
Understanding this parable requires us to understand the symbolism of the wedding garment. This garment is a symbol of one who is clothed in Christ and, specifically, one who is therefore filled with charity. There is a very...
A Note from our Pastor October 8, 2023
My Dear Brothers and Sisters,
As we gather this Thanksgiving Weekend to celebrate the abundance of God’s grace and mercy, I am overwhelmed with gratitude for the blessings that have been poured upon our community at St. Francis...
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From the Pastor’s Desk October 1, 2023
My Dear Brothers and Sisters,
This summer, there was a visitor from New Jersey who was very excited to see so many young families attending Mass at St. Francis Xavier. She was amused to witness the young parents bringing toddlers...
A Note from our Pastor September 24, 2023
My dear brothers and sisters,
Our parish life is back to its full swing, Praise God!
The parish bulletin, sacramental preparation, RCIA, altar servers training, youth ministry, Catechism of the Good Shepherd, bereavement ministry, Knights of Colombus, CWL, English tutoring...
In Choosing Forgiveness
We Allow the Light of Christ to Radiate
Outward from the Inner Depths of Our Souls
We can look to the Saints who have gone before us to offer us inspiration, and to help us to choose forgiveness. St. Stephen...